In the middle of the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg, associated with Johannes Fust, printed the 42-line Bible in his printing workshop in Mainz. Within twenty years, Gutenberg’s invention, the movable type printing press, spread throughout Europe and reached Valencia, a city that was both a commercial centre and a centre of great cultural dynamism.

In 1474, as a result of a poetry competition, the Obres o trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria was published in Valencia. It was the first book printed in the Crown of Aragon and the first of a literary nature on the Iberian Peninsula. The only preserved copy is kept in the Biblioteca Històrica de la Universitat de València.

To commemorate this 550th anniversary, the exhibition Trobes: 550 anys de la impremta a València offers the opportunity to enjoy a selection of the most emblematic works, many of them unique copies, which form part of the collection of incunabula -works printed before 1501- of the University Library, with titles such as Comprehensorium (Lambert Palmart, 1475); Tirant lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell (Nicolau Spindeler, 1490); Lo somni de Johan Johan (Lope de la Roca, 1497); or the works of Francesc Eiximenis, among others.

This travelling exhibition, conceived as an extension of the original exhibition located in the Duc de Calàbria room of the Biblioteca Històrica and in the Bigues room of the Centre Cultural La Nau from 25 April to 8 September 2024, seeks to extend the scope of the historical celebration to reach new audiences and places.

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